Unlock the power of efficient hiring

Grow your business by finding the right talent for every role

Build modern job ads to attract more candidates
Post your job to 100+ job search sites

Build your compelling job advertisement

Get precise guidance on how to attract more candidates.

Promote your ad on 100+ job search sites

Multipost ads to top job boards and maximize reach.

Manage candidates easy with hiring workflows

Manage your hiring process by streamlining and speeding it up.

More applications with less effort

User-friendly hiring software that delivers immediate results

Achieve hiring success every time

Post your job to 10+ job boards in less than 5 minutes

1. Create a modern job advertisement.

Quickly create customized job ads with our easy-to-use editor.

2. Easy to candidate management

Utilize our software to evaluate candidates and move them forward faster.

3. Hire the right person for the job

Reduce hiring time by finding qualified candidates more efficiently.

Simplify your hiring process and workflow

Understand how to create job ads that actually work. Leverage winning strategies to best promote ads. Find the ideal candidate faster.

Boost Your Employer Branding

Stand out with your branded careers site - including your company’s own custom URL.

Team Collaboration and Communication

Exchange ideas and progress with team members to make the right decisions together.

Job Editor

Our easy-to-use editor allows you to create customized job ads within minutes.

Create Custom Tags

Tags help you organize and structure candidates more efficiently.


With Messages communicate with each candidate inside app.

Accept & Reject

Automate tasks and save time. With one click you can accept or reject candidates.

"This is great to use! We have a much larger amount of candidates. usao fits seamlessly into our process and is a unique and efficient candidate generation tool, giving us access to highly relevant job boards we didn’t know before and at the same time reducing enormously our effort in recruiting."

Sven Hinrichs
Senior Manager Sports Marketing UEFA

Find your perfect candidate

Get started for free
Free to use
Easy to set up
10+ job boards